
Julia Udesky to present at 2019 Advancing Ethical Research Conference (AER19)

Boston, MA

The 2019 Advancing Ethical Research Conference (AER19), from November 18-20, will include three keynote addresses, nine panels, and over 100 breakout sessions where attendees will increase their knowledge and understanding of ethical requirements, learn best practices and strategies for their implementation, and sharpen their skills for dealing with myriad of late-breaking and longstanding challenges, especially those related to implementation of the revised Common Rule. This meeting will also feature a poster gallery composed of work on novel approaches to the management, function, and operations of HRPPs/IRBs and empirical studies or conceptual analysis of challenging issues related to the conduct or oversight of research involving human subjects.

Silent Spring's Julia Udesky will present a poster on her latest research entitled "Perceived Risks, Benefits and Interest in Participating in Environmental Health Studies That Share Data: A US Survey of Prospective Participants."

Conference website