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Alexandra Goho
Director of Communications
617-332-4288 x232
Recent News
Interviews with major retailers and manufacturers show how Proposition 65 promotes greater transparency around harmful chemicals in products and shifts markets toward safer products.
Hispanic communities more likely to have poorer water quality, higher exposures to PFAS.
Hundreds of chemicals that influence the development of breast cancer are used in everyday plastic items, according to new study by Silent Spring.
Study led by Silent Spring identifies 12 toxic chemicals that put female firefighters at increased risk for the disease.
First study to evaluate effectiveness of Proposition 65 shows benefits of law extend nationwide.
Silent Spring scientists made a dynamic impact at the 2024 International Society for Exposure Science (ISES) Annual Meeting in Montreal.
An internationally renowned cancer epidemiologist, Dr. Terry was chosen for her leadership and expertise in environmental risk factors for breast cancer, as well as her commitment to breast cancer prevention, community engagement, and health equity.
EPA announced drinking water standards for six PFAS chemicals, marking the first time in more than 20 years the federal agency has set an enforceable limit on a new unregulated drinking water contaminant.
In a comment submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), scientists at Silent Spring Institute say the agency’s pesticide safety reviews overlook pesticides that could increase breast cancer risk.
The honor recognizes Dr. Schaider as “a trailblazer" in water quality research, specifically focused on unregulated drinking water contaminants and safeguarding historically marginalized communities from environmental chemical exposures.