Disparities in drinking water quality in the U.S.

We are investigating whether low‐income and minority communities in the U.S. have higher levels of contaminants in their drinking water. Because everyone has a right to safe drinking water regardless of who they are and where they live.

Publications and Presentations

Liddie, J.M., L.A. Schaider, E.M. Sunderland. 2023. Sociodemographic Factors Are Associated with the Abundance of PFAS Sources and Detection in U.S. Community Water Systems. Environmental Science & Technology. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c07255


Schaider, L.A., L.R. Swetschinski, C. Campbell, R.A. Rudel. 2019. Environmental justice and drinking water quality: are there socioeconomic disparities in nitrate levels in U.S. drinking water? Environmental Health. 8(3). doi: 10.1186/s12940-018-0442-6 
