By studying the effects of green renovations in urban public housing on indoor air quality, Silent Spring Institute is helping to create healthier homes.

Publications and Presentations

Dodson, R.E., K.E. Manz, S.R. Burks, R. Gairola, N.F. Lee, Y. Liu, K.D. Pennell, E.D. Walker, and J.M. Braun. 2022. Does Using Corsi–Rosenthal Boxes to Mitigate COVID-19 Transmission Also Reduce Indoor Air Concentrations of PFAS and Phthalates. Environmental Science & Technology.


Goodwin Robbins, L.J., K.M. Rodgers, B. Walsh, R. Ain, R.E. Dodson. 2019. Pruning chemicals from the green building landscape. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 30:236–246. doi: 10.1038/s41370-019-0174-x


Perovich, L.J., J.L. Ohayon, E.M. Cousins, R. Morello-Frosch, P. Brown, G. Adamkiewicz, J.G. Brody. 2018. Reporting to parents on children’s exposures to asthma triggers in low-income and public housing, an interview-based case study of ethics, environmental literacy, individual action, and public health benefitsEnvironmental Health, 17(48). doi: 10.1186/s12940-018-0395-9.


Dodson, R.E., J.O. Udesky, M.D. Colton, M. McCauley, D.E. Camann, A.Y. Yau, G. Adamkiewicz, R.A. Rudel. 2017. Chemical exposures in recently renovated low-income housing: Influence of building materials and occupant activities. Environment International. 109:114-127. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2017.07.007


Green Housing Study Your Family's Results. 2015. Silent Spring Institute.

Sample Study Report