
Columbia University hosts second Cancer and Environment Forum

June 21, 2023

The Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia University and the Weill Cornell Medicine's Meyer Cancer Center hosted a one-day comprehensive series on the state of the science of environmental carcinogenesis and the role physicians, nurses, community leaders, and public health practitioners play in engaging on environmental chemicals and cancer risk reduction. 

This is the second Cancer and Environment Forum hosted by a major cancer center that Silent Spring Institute has helped to spearhead and organize. The first forum took place in February and March 2022 and was hosted by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. For more information, visit Cancer & Environment Forums.

Program Details

Where: The Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center, 104 Haven Avenue, New York, NY

When: Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Target audience: Clinicians, nurses, community leaders, public health practitioners (CME credits available)

Session overview:

  • What we know about environmental exposures and cancers
  • Community level exposures and how policy and systems-level changes can reduce the burden of cancer
  • The role of health providers as trusted communicators addressing environmental exposures

Watch a recording of the event


Planning committee:  Andrea Baccarelli, MD, PhD (Mailman School of Public Health); Julia Brody, PhD (Silent Spring Institute); Polly Hoppin, ScD (Lowell Center for Sustainable Production); Phoenix Matthews, PhD, MS, BS (Columbia School of Nursing); Cynthia McKeown (CAM Productions); Ruthann Rudel, MS (Silent Spring Institute); Regina Santella, PhD (Mailman School of Public Health); Mary Beth Terry, PhD (Mailman School of Public Health)