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Alexandra Goho
Director of Communications
617-332-4288 x232
Recent News
Why the state’s new proposed rule to regulate PFAS contaminants is good for public health.
Analysis highlights privacy risks associated with public data sharing
Silent Spring has been a major driver in advancing the field of report-back—a practice that ensures participants have access to their study results and what they mean for their health.
Eating out and consuming microwave popcorn linked with higher exposures to PFAS
One of seven projects chosen as part of new federal health study to address contamination affecting communities nationwide
New analysis calls into question effectiveness of fire safety regulations that lead to the use of hazardous chemicals in furniture.
Switching to flame retardant free foam pit cubes reduces exposures without compromising fire safety
Analysis shows Hispanic communities are disproportionately exposed
Analysis shows association between Oral-B Glide dental floss and higher exposures
Study reveals efforts to address widespread PFAS contamination affecting millions of Americans