Whether it’s tracking toxic chemicals in drinking water or uncovering new mechanisms by which chemicals trigger breast cancer, we publish updates about our work throughout the year.

Here, you’ll find the latest news about our research and our impact. For detailed news about individual projects, please explore Our Science.

Our scientists are also available for interviews, to assist in developing story ideas and provide expert commentary and analysis.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Alexandra Goho
Director of Communications
617-332-4288 x232

Recent News

NIH-funded project will focus on effects of PFASs from firefighting foams on children’s immune systems

Innovative study is at the forefront of environmental health research, with scientists using cutting-edge tools to sift through vast amounts of exposure data and hone in on the real chemical culprits.

Boston Public Radio co-hosts will lead a lively and engaging discussion, featuring a panel of leading experts in the field.

Federal report validates Silent Spring's pioneering methodology of reporting back to participants in environmental health studies.

Thanks in large part to our research, San Francisco and Washington state recently issued bans on food packaging containing harmful PFAS chemicals.

In comments submitted to EPA, Silent Spring takes aim at a new policy that would severely limit the science the agency considers when setting limits on toxic chemicals in our air and water.

Barnstable County residents invited to have their private well water tested for harmful PFASs

First study to measure range of hormone disrupting chemicals in products used by Black women.

We continue to put EPA on notice by highlighting the impact of environmental chemicals on women’s health, specifically on breast cancer. Five of the first 10 chemicals EPA has prioritized for review under TSCA are mammary carcinogens.

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times shines a spotlight on the variety of hazardous chemicals we're all exposed to through everyday products.