Here, you’ll find the latest news about our research and our impact. For detailed news about individual projects, please explore Our Science.
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Alexandra Goho
Director of Communications
617-332-4288 x232
Recent News
The goal of the project is to help high school students reduce their exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals while providing them with leadership skills to promote healthier environments at home and in their communities.
Comprehensive review of human studies from past 10 years reveals strength of evidence.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) voted in favor of removing an entire class of flame retardants from children’s products, mattresses, upholstered furniture, and electronics, representing a victory for public health.
Findings could lead to healthier homes, especially for low-income groups living in subsidized housing.
The first batch of results from our Detox Me Action Kit project—our crowdsourced biomonitoring study on people’s exposure to common household toxic chemicals—reveals some interesting findings.
It’s time now for us to devote resources toward preventing these unwanted exposures, so we can prevent future health problems.
Analysis highlights impact of wastewater management decisions on drinking water quality
EPA released the final rules for how the agency is going to regulate chemicals. However, the weakened rules raise concerns that EPA will not adequately regulate chemicals that could harm human health.
Study finds some of the highest levels of flame retardants ever measured in dust, including carcinogens.
Silent Spring responds to latest study in Science regarding so-called "bad luck" mutations.