Here, you’ll find the latest news about our research and our impact. For detailed news about individual projects, please explore Our Science.
Our scientists are also available for interviews, to assist in developing story ideas and provide expert commentary and analysis.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Alexandra Goho
Director of Communications
617-332-4288 x232
Recent News
New study finds clothing, bedding, and furniture labeled as water- or stain-resistant most likely to have PFAS
In this three-part series, clinicians will learn about the latest science and develop skills for engaging with patients, as well as with communities and policymakers, around strategies for preventing environmental cancers.
Residents in Hyannis on Cape Cod are invited to an Open House on February 19th to learn about the study and meet the team.
List includes potential carcinogens that act by stimulating production of hormones that fuel breast tumors
Findings could explain why women of color in particular are more highly exposed to harmful chemicals
New study led by Silent Spring shows how replacing an old couch with a new one free of flame retardants reduces harmful exposures in the home.
Today, 67 of the nation’s leading PFAS science experts submitted a letter to the newly-confirmed EPA Administrator Michael Regan calling on him to institute a class-based ban on all PFAS except essential uses.
The use of the polymeric flame retardant PolyFR in “eco-friendly” foam plastic building insulation may be harmful to human health and the environment.
Watch a new documentary featuring Silent Spring board member Dr. Margaret Kripke as she calls attention to the true burden of environmentally-induced cancers.
The legislation was eight years in the making, with strong support from firefighters and advocacy groups. Silent Spring scientists provided the scientific foundation for the new law.